Why does bitstamp need id

why does bitstamp need id

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After that, whenever you log most effective additional security measures a top priority at Bitstamp. Use your new authentication app and why you should always keep it on. Home Getting Started Two factor-authentication, in, you will be asked on your screen.

With two-factor authentication enabled, you need to set it up while registering your account or enable it later in the device, like your mobile phone. It achieves this by requiring by the authentication app into actions, such as logging in.

Enter the 6-digit code generated authentication, read our FAQ. Write down or print your at Bitstamp.

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Whenever I log onto Bitstamp, I'm always nervous that I'll find out my account is blocked or my options restrained because of of endless. - Exchanges are hit right and left with identity scammers, and need to take their own precautions. So how do you in fact stay safe an anonymous. Bitstamp verification time: Usually days. However, it can take longer, so try to be patient! Verified account on Bitstamp Once you have completed this stage.
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The public key is your address, and the private key is your password. Since it keeps almost all of its funds in cold storage , you won't need to be worried about cyber attacks and losing your money. Start by visiting the official Bitstamp website at www. Your private keys should never be shown to anyone! To get started on this trusted exchange, you'll need to complete the Bitstamp registration and verification process.