Shakepay crypto currencies

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How to send bitcoin to a wallet Without those additional fees, Shakepay actually ended up being one of the cheapest platforms to buy Bitcoin. Why do I have to verify my identity? The platform also uses SSL- encryption and 2-Factor Authentication to protect your account on both the desktop and the mobile app. Shakepay is a commission-free service. Having said that, there are no actual trading or transaction fees.
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Shakepay requires you to set security questions. You can request that data. You can sell your crypto and wouldn't unfreeze my account help with any questions you.

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Why do I have to verify my identity? Note: The main "Wallets" screen will display the CAD equivalent of your funds with our mid-market price. To make money, we set the price you can buy or sell digital currencies on Shakepay. Shakepay also covers transaction fees for moving your money off platform say, to a bitcoin address. Online travel.